21st Hungarian Sociolinguistics Conference

Dear Colleagues,


Due to the ongoing uncertainties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the organizers of the 21st Hungarian Sociolinguistics Conference decided to postpone the event from October 2020 to the following year. However, as the current situation still does not allow for a safe face-to-face meeting, the conference will be held online at the discretion of the organizers.

The biennial Hungarian Sociolinguistics Conference will be organized online in November 2021 via Zoom. The event will be coordinated from Beregszász (Transcarpathia, Ukraine).

Registrations already received will be carried over to the 2021 event. Applications already accepted will also be carried over to this year’s conference.

The central theme of the conference remains: the border as a converging and diverging factor in language (for more details, see the summary attached).

The date of the event is 4-5 November 2021.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is June 15, 2021. Notifications of acceptance will be sent in the first week of July.


Attendance is free of charge.

Please promote our conference among your colleagues as well!

If you have any other questions, please contact us at 21.elonyelvikonferencia@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you online in Beregszász in 2021!


Best regards,

the Organizers

Kapcsolódó képek:

© 2025 Hodinka Antal Nyelvészeti Kutatóközpont


Postacím: 90202 Beregszász, Kossuth tér 6., Ukrajna, Hodinka Antal Nyelvészeti Kutatóközpont

Telefon: +380 3141 429 68, 137-es mellék (külföldről),
illetőleg: 8 241 429 68, 137-es mellék (Kárpátalján belül)

Fax: +380 3141 234 62